Volvo Online Service Booking Portal
Dear Volvo Owner,
We are pleased to introduce our Volvo Online Service Booking Portal.
Book a service for your Volvo and receive an instant confirmation of your appointment.
You will need an account to start booking a service through this portal.
To register for an account, kindly provide us with your details below.
Personal Data Consent Declaration
By providing the information set out in the this form, I agree and consent to Wearnes Automotive Pte. Ltd. and its related corporations (collectively, “Wearnes”) collecting, using, disclosing and sharing amongst themselves my personal data therein as well as in the records of Wearnes from time to time for purposes reasonably required by Wearnes to provide me with the products and services I am requesting for.
Such purposes are set out in Wearnes Data Protection Policy, which is accessible at or available on request, which I confirm I have read and understood. I am aware that by signing up for this product or service, I am also consenting to Wearnes collecting, using and disclosing my personal data for marketing, advertising and promotional purposes, including the purposes described as “Additional Purposes” in the Data Protection Policy. I can withdraw such consent at any time by contacting the Data Protection Officer at